Pentrehafod Pool
Postcode- SA12NN
Monday: Beginners and improvers widths from 3.50pm-7.10pm- 30 minute sessions.
Tuesday: Beginners and improvers from 3.50pm-7.10pm- 30 minute sessions.
Lengths- 7.10-8.10pm
Wednesday: Beginners and improvers widths from 3.50pm-7.10pm- 30 minute sessions.
Thursday: Beginners and improvers widths from 3.50pm-7.10pm- 30 minute sessions.
Lengths- 7.10pm- 8.10pm
Friday: Beginners and improvers widths from 3.50pm-7.10pm- 30 minute sessions.
Saturday: Beginners and improvers widths from 09.50am-1.10pm- 30 minute sessions.
Sunday- Beginners and improvers widths from 4.30pm-7pm- 30 minute sessions
Scroll down and hover over your pool to view the timetables!
Dont forget to make
a note of the post code!
Bishop Gore Pool
Postcode- SA2 9AP
Saturday: 12.30pm-3pm Beginners and improvers widths- 30 minute sessions. 3pm-4pm improver and experienced lengths- 1 hours
Sunday: 11am-3pm Beginners and improvers widths- 30 minute sessions. 3pm-4pm improver and experienced lengths- 1 hours
Pennard Pool
Postcode- SA3 2AD
We are just waiting for our new post covid time table to come back to us. Please bear with us until then for Pennard Pool.
Monday: TBC
Tuesday: TBC
Wednesday: TBC
Thursday: TBC
Friday: TBC
Saturday: TBC
Sunday: TBC